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Board of Certification Members

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Keara Shaw, CPHI(C)Chairchair@boc.ciphi.ca
Ian Harrison, CPHI(C)Past-Chairpast.chair@boc.ciphi.ca
A.L. (Gus) Skinner, CPHI(C)NB Branchgus.skinner@outlook.com
Janice Gammie, CPHI(C)NS/PEI BranchJanice.Gammie@novascotia.ca
Daria Romanish, CPHI(C)Alberta Branchboc@ciphi.ab.ca
Gary Tam, CPHI(C)BC Branchbocbcbranch@ciphi.bc.ca
Stephen Hancock, CPHI(C)Manitoba Branchstephen.hancock@gov.mb.ca
Lal Rishi, CPHI(C)Ontario Branchonrep@boc.ciphi.ca
George Koutsoulis, CPHI(C)Saskatchewan Branchskrep@boc.ciphi.ca
Tonya Pugh, CPHI(C)Canadian Armed Forces Representativecafrep@boc.ciphi.ca

Examination Coordinators

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Angela Whalen, CPHI(C)British ColumbiaBOCExamCoordinator@ciphi.bc.ca
Marcy Iwanyk, CPHI(C)Albertaexamcoordinator@ciphi.ab.ca
Nimone Campbell, CPHI(C)Saskatchewannimone.campbell@saskhealthauthority.ca
Shume Lee, CPHI(C)Manitobashume.lee@gov.mb.ca
Alicia Lowe-Downes, CPHI(C)Ontarioalicia.lowe-downes@toronto.ca
Renee Bourque, CPHI(C)New Brunswickrenee.n.bourque@gnb.ca
Heidi Darling, CPHI(C)Nova Scotia/PEIheidi_darling@hotmail.com
Douglas Howse, CPHI(C)Newfoundland/Labradordouglashowse@gov.nl.ca

In 1935 the Canadian Public Health Association established qualifications for inspectors relating to post secondary school education and technical training, and conducted examinations for Certification, awarding a Certificate in Sanitary Inspection. In 1963 there was a change in designation from Sanitary Inspector to Public Health Inspector. The Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada) is recognized by the departments of health and other agencies in Canada as evidence of satisfactory training. In the establishment and conduct of certification, the Association had the co-operation and assistance of Federal, Provincial and local Health Authorities and the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors.

In the discharge of its responsibilities, the Canadian Public Health Association appointed a national committee, the committee on the Certification of Sanitary Inspectors (now the Board of Certification of Public Health Inspectors) with representatives of Federal, Provincial and local Health Authorities and the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. On July 1st, 1979 the operation and administration of the Board of Certification was accepted by the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors from the Canadian Public Health Association.

Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada)

The Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada), CPHI(C), is granted by the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors to those candidates who fulfill the requirements set forth in the Regulations Respecting the Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada) and Governing the Board of Certification of Public Health Inspectors.

This Certificate is a certificate of qualification and is intended to meet the needs of the provinces, municipalities, federal government, and other employers of qualified Public Health Inspectors.

The Certification Process


Candidates must hold a degree in a program of instruction approved by the Board of Certification. The following institutions provide programs which meet theBOC’s Instructional Objectives, and are currently approved:

  • Ryerson University – Toronto, ON
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology – Burnaby, BC
  • Concordia University of Edmonton – Edmonton, AB
  • Cape Breton University – Sydney, NS
  • Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning – Kitchener, ON
  • First Nations University of Canada – Regina, SK

For members of the Canadian Armed Forces, please contact the BOC Canadian Armed Forces Representative.

Practical Experience

In order to be eligible to sit the Examination to obtain the Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada), every candidate must satisfactorily complete a twelve (12) week minimum practicum in the basic inspection programs. This practicum must be coordinated by a qualified person who holds the CPHI(C) at the supervisory level of the agency where the practicum is to take place.

Similar field training requirements apply to Canadian Forces qualified candidates.

Certification Documents

The most recent edition of the certification package for new and repeating candidates is released. All files are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). For more information on how to view and print Adobe PDF files, see below.

  • Complete Certification Package for Candidates (revised March 2021) – Full BOC Package (You will need a program such as 7-Zip to unpack this file)
  • BOC price chart – bocpriceschart.pdf

Examination Dates

COVID-19 precautions will be in effect at exam locations, with provincial exam coordinators working to ensure the health and safety of both candidates and examiners.

Examination SittingGeneral 50-Day Application DeadlineExamination Date
October 2021 Tuesday, September 7, 2021Wednesday, October 27, 2021
April 2022Tuesday, March 8, 2022Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Exam results will be sent electronically to the candidate’s email address within 6 to 8 weeks after the exam date. Successful candidates will receive their CIPHI certificate by mail within 8 to 10 weeks after the exam date.

Foreign-Trained Environmental Public Health Professionals

The CIPHI welcomes applications from foreign trained environmental public health professionals. The BOC will assess the credentials of international applicants to determine if their education and experience qualifies them to sit the equivalency exam.

The CIPHI BOC multiple choice question equivalency exam is a standardized evaluation to assess the academic competencies of a foreign trained environmental public health professional seeking the CPHI(C) designation. Candidates, must pass the written equivalency examination to be eligible to proceed to make an application for the BOC examination for the CPHI(C). Requirements for foreign trained environmental public health professionals seeking CPHI(C) designation can be found here.

Application fee (Annex H)$125.00 + tax
Examination fee (Annex J)$850.00 + tax

The 2022 equivalency exam dates are yet to be determined but will be posted here once set. Please check back regularly for updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Do I have to be a member of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) to sit my Board of Certification (BOC) exams?

A. Yes, as of January 1, 2016, your application for examination must include proof of current student membership in the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. Membership application forms can be found here.

Q. Are there different tax rates for different provinces and territories?

A. Yes. Effective November 2012, applicable provincial tax rates must be added to all BOC fees. A candidate’s mailing address is used to determine the applicable provincial/territorial tax rate. Please refer to the BOC price chart to determine your correct fee and tax amount.

Q. How do I become a Certified Public Health Inspector (Canada)?

A. There are three steps in this process.

  • You must satisfy the educational requirements set by the Board of Certification.
  • You must complete a 12 week practicum at an agency acceptable to the Board of Certification.
  • You must pass the BOC certification exam that consists of an oral exam and two written reports.

Further details on these requirements can be found in the Candidate Information Package.

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Q. Is there a document that outlines what the 12-week long practicum is all about, detailing the roles and responsibilities of both the trainee and the training agency?

A. Yes, it’s called the CIPHI BOC Practicum Guideline for Training Agency and Trainees (April 2021). It can be downloaded (in Adobe PDF format) by clicking on the title, and is essential reading for the anyone involved in the practicum process.

Q. Where can I go to get the education required to become a PHI?

A. There are 6 educational institutions in Canada accredited by the Board of Certification.

  • Ryerson University – Toronto, ON
  • British Columbia Institute of Technology – Burnaby, BC
  • Concordia University of Edmonton – Edmonton, AB
  • Cape Breton University – Sydney, NS
  • Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning – Kitchener, ON
  • First Nations University of Canada – Regina, SK

Q. Where can I obtain the complete regulations that govern the operation of the BOC?

A. Click here for a copy of the BOC regulations in Adobe PDF format.

Q. What is the BOC’s policy on refunds?

A. Please see the Full BOC Package. Rahe na rahe hum mp3 free.

Q. Where can I find a sample of the question format used in the oral exam?

A. Samples can be found at http://www.ciphi.ca/pdf/bocsamplequestions.pdf.

Q. My employer is holding “mock orals” in an effort to help students better prepare for the exam. Is there any guidelines or assistance that the BOC can provide?

A. Guidelines for mock orals can be found here.

Q. When do I have to send in the certification documents? Where do I send them?

A. All documentation must be received by the Secretary of the Board of Certification at least 50 days before the examination date. Effective April 2019, all documents to apply to sit a BOC exam must be submitted digitally to office@ciphi.ca. Please ensure that all documents are legible and in .pdf format.

Q. If I am still completing my practicum at the 50 day deadline for submission of my documents, can I submit them after I have completed the practicum?

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A. The practicum shall be completed 50 days prior to the oral exam and the Candidate Practicum Evaluation (Mid-term & Final) shall be submitted by the candidate to the CIPHI Office no later than 50 days prior to the exam.

Q. If I fail my written inspection report, can I resubmit a report based on the same inspection?

A. No, any submission of an inspection report following a failed mark must be based on a different inspection and cannot be a rewrite of a failed report.

Q. If I fail the oral and/ or the written exam, can I retake the exam?

A. Yes. A candidate may retake the failed segment (oral and/or written report) during a regular time set for an examination up to a maximum of four times within a 5 year period. Retakes of the failed segment are permitted for no more than five (5) years following the successful completion of a practicum. Should a candidate fail a fourth time the Board of Certification will determine whether the candidate will be permitted to sit further exams.

Q. If I fail the oral and/or the written exam, do I have to repeat the practicum?

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A. Candidates who fail the written or oral exam up to a maximum of four times do not have to repeat a practicum. If the candidate has not successfully obtained their CPHI(C) in the five (5) years following successful completion of their initial practicum, the candidate must secure themselves an additional 12 week practicum, and then redo both papers as well as the oral segment of the examination.

Q. What is plagiarism?

A. “Plagiarism is the copying or paraphrasing of other people’s work or ideas into your own work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Collusion is another form of plagiarism involving the unauthorised collaboration of students (or others) in a piece of work.” (Source: University of Oxford)

Q. How is plagiarism determined for written report assessments and what actions are taken to address it?

A. Formal reviews of examinations are part of the evaluation and quality improvement system used by the Board of Certification (BOC) to grant certification. These reviews of examinations identify and address significant irregularities in the conduct of the examination process, including the process of determining that a report has been plagiarized following detection by an electronic plagiarism assessment tool. This assessment tool is a web-based resource used to detect occurrences of plagiarism and searches 24 billion pages on the Internet, 120 million articles from journals, periodicals and books, and holds 250 million archived student papers, including CIPHI BOC report submissions.

Where reports are shown to match a total of 30% or greater to other sources, the BOC member responsible for the initial review, will conduct a thorough review to determine if the individual matches are significant and warrant further investigation. If the report has a match of 5% or greater with another source, particularly a previously submitted BOC report, it will be verified in detail.

Where the Board has found the report to be fraudulent or plagiarized the candidate will be notified in writing (at the same time as the exam results are sent out to candidates) of the following:

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  • a. They were unsuccessful in their recent BOC examination (both reports and the oral exam will be failed);
  • b. The BOC has found strong evidence of plagiarism or fraudulence in their report (report name will be given);
  • c. They forfeit all portions of the exam and may only re-apply for certification in one year (must skip one examination period);
  • d. Should they wish to re-apply they must submit 2 new reports which cannot be rewrites of the previous reports submitted;
  • e. Where the Board has deemed a candidate to have submitted a fraudulent or plagiarized report for a subsequent examination period, they forfeit all portions of the exam and will not be allowed to sit the examination at any point in the future; and
  • f. Should they wish to appeal the decision of the Board, they may do so in writing within 30 days, and must pay the administration fee.

Guidelines for the appeal process can be found in the Full BOC Package.

Q. May I share my previous practicum reports with students, or may I provide students with an electronic version of a written report?

A. You should not share your reports with anyone or allow the reports to leave your possession or sight for two reasons:

  • You may unintentionally jeopardize academic integrity. Plagiarism/collusion is a serious academic misconduct. No one can be 100% certain and all should be aware of such a possibility. The training agency should take reasonable measures to avoid such occurrences; and
  • You may deprive the students an opportunity to learn on their own.

Q. How much feedback should a mentor provide to the candidate in the report review process?

A. The BOC Practicum Guideline for Training Agencies and Trainees requires a mentor to review “written reports for accuracy, appropriateness, the presence of confidential information and to verify that the reports were based on inspections completed by the trainee.

However, changes or suggestions of all kinds other than removal of inappropriate and confidential information are prohibited including but not limited to spelling, grammar, punctuation, typographical errors, and formatting, inputting or deleting words.

“The end result should reflect the candidate’s report writing abilities and not that of the mentor.”

Q. Why is the passing rate set at 70%?

A. Please see the Exam Mark Discussion Paper Results document.

Q. Can you tell me how many people passed or failed the most recent exam?

A. Please see the BOC Examination Statistics document.

Q. Is there a marking scheme that I can refer to when I am writing my report? Mappoint viewer.

A. Yes. The marking scheme is found in the Full BOC Package. This revision does not alter what has previously been expected in a report but it does provide a more detailed breakdown of where marks are assigned by the examiners.

Wurth wow 5 00 8 keygen torrent. Q. I lost my certificate how can I get it replaced?

A. Complete BOC Policy 5: Appendix J Certificate Replacement Application for a new certificate.

Q. If I have any further questions, who can I contact?

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A. Please contact the CIPHI office at 1-888-245-8180 or office@ciphi.ca.

Supporting Documents

  • BOC Administrative Policies (April 2021)

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About Portable Document Format Files

HTML, the code used to create web pages, can not maintain all of the formatting and presentation for many documents. Word processor files, such as WordPerfect of Microsoft Word, may not always be appropriate either. In such cases, another process called Portable Document Format (PDF) is used to display the document. The PDF process maintains the look and presentation of the original document using a free reader available from Adobe. These PDF files can be viewed across multiple platforms (MAC, PC, UNIX) using the appropriate reader for that platform. Please be sure to use the most current reader from Adobe to ensure compatibility for all PDF files on CIPHI’s site.

To use a PDF document, a reader program must be installed on your computer to display, print, and navigate. The free Adobe Acrobat reader is available for downloading at no cost from Adobe’s Web site at www.adobe.com.

Once you click on the link to a PDF file, a box from your browser will appear asking you if you want to save the file. Just specify where you want the file saved for future reference. Remember that depending on the speed of your modem, internet traffic and your internet provider, the download time can fluctuate. Once the file is on your local drive, you can view the documents using the Adobe Acrobat software. When the software is installed, you can view the PDF file that you just downloaded by opening it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.