The Keyscape sounds open in Omnisphere 2 which let’s you load multiple sounds at once like the method you suggested @brad. As you said this would be a more stable way of doing things because Omnisphere 2 would load everything at one time and accept different midi channels per sound. But I haven’t upgraded to Omnisphere 2 yet! I def don't have Omni software V 2.3.2 i have 2.3.1 and i also have the keyscape vst dll unpatched as well, so I need a link or torrent so i can get to 2.3.2. A response generator for keyscape is something i have not seen at all. Omnisphere. But when i launch omnisphere vsti in FL and load a patch there is no sound output of omnisphere. Try refreshing the SoundSource Browser. I have =dowloaded everything but it keeps saying ' Cannot load SoundSource 'Yearning Texture' in Directory.
Keyscape 'Cannot load SoundSource 'example LA Custom C7 Release' in Directory 'Keyscape Library'. Try refreshing Index in Browser. I have Omnisphere for a long time now, so i decided to download keyscape as well. I think it's been over a year since I bought Omnisphere 2, and this is still an issue for me.
What's the best thing to do when a user has a corrupted or missing soundsource? Just installed the latest software and patch update, but I still have this problem. Thanks for any advice!
PS - am so frustrated by other rubbish synths that I'm going to try Omnisphere on the 2ghz Core2 laptop... it MIGHT just handle it with some freezing! Omni is just in another league...
• Omnisphere2 Software 2.6.4d – Soundsources 2.6.1c – Patches 2.6.3c
• Keyscape Software 1.2.1d – Soundsources 1.0.3c – Patches 1.3.2d
• Trilian Software 1.5.0e – Soundsources 1.0.1 – Patches 1.5.0f
• Stylus RMX Software 1.9.9c2
• Bob Moog Tribute Library Patches 1.4e

Step 1
Run this release’s setup.exe as an administrator. If this is an update, make sure the path to the plugin is the same as where your old Spectrasonics plugins are stored (older versions must be overwritten). Also, if this is an update, make sure the boxes (STEAM path and SAGE path are where libraries / samples and patches are stored) are unchecked. If your STEAM and SAGE files are located in C: ProgramData Spectrasonics, also make sure the boxes are unchecked.
If you’ve installed Keyscape, Omnisphere, Trilian, and Stylus RMX before, you can probably skip steps 2 and 3 and go to step 4. Before you do this, run the applications to check if they are activated. If not, skip to steps 2 and 3.
Step 2: Activate Keyscape, Omnisphere and Trilian
Run Keygen for Keyscape, Omnisphere and Trilian Spectrasonics_2048_KeyGen.exe
Since Spectrasonics changed the activation method, the key generator no longer works as expected, but there is a workaround. Launch the app you want to activate (Keyscape, Omnisphere, or Trilian). The activation screen will open. Now click the blue link (click here) at the bottom of the activation screen:
- Run “Decoder.exe”:
- Now run the Spectrasonics_2048_KeyGen.exe keygen
- In the keygen window: paste the call code from the clipboard
- In the keygen window: click GENERATE
- Copy the generated code from keygen in the application for activation
- Press CONTINUE and close the application.
- Run the app to check
- NOTE: Application crashes may occur during this process, especially Omnisphere. No problem: just repeat these steps
Step 3. Activate Stylus RMX
Launch Trillian KeyGen
BTW: the torrent download says it’s Trilian KeyGen, but you can use it to activate Stylus RMX and NOT Trilian or Omnisphere.
All you need to do is launch the Stylus RMX and activate it with this keygen.
Step 4. Updates of sound sources and patches.
Run the included updates in THIS ORDER:
• Omnisphere Soundsource Library Update v2.6.1c
• Omnisphere Patch Library Update 2.6.3c
• Bob Moog Tribute Patch Library Update v1.4e
• Keyscape Soundsource Library Update v1.0.3c
• Keyscape Patch Library Update v1.3.1c
• Trilian Soundsource Library Update v1.0.1
• Trilian Patch Library Update v1.5.0f
How To Use Keyscape In Omnisphere 2
Step 5: Final Verification
How To Load Keyscape In Omnisphere 2

Cannot Load Soundsource Omnisphere 2 Keyscape
- Disconnect your internet connection and start Omnisphere.
- You will see a button CHECK FOR UPDATES.
- Now turn on your internet connection
- Click CHECK FOR UPDATES and you should see this in your browser