Constant Effect Items Morrowind


Re: Spell Chance and Constant Effect Items Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:09 am Night Eye you can actually cast as much as you want the spell that scares humanoid's that khajiit have is the 1x a day. The curaiss is the best single piece of light armor in the game, with 266 points, plus it has a constant effect of 60% Magicka Resistance. Boots of Blinding Speed - Snag them off Pemenie the. See the note on the Bound Items page for instructions on how to remove these items. While using a constant-effect Bound Item, simply take off the enchanted item that gives you the Bound Item and then re-equip it. This will cause the damaged Bound Item to disappear and be replaced with a new one. Morrowind Enchanting Constant Effects In purchase to 'populate' a Spirit Gemstone, you require to perform the following. Throw the Spirit Trap mean on a monster. Possess in your inventory a Soul Treasure with sufficient capacity for the animal's soul (there are several different types of Soul Gemstones).

Who is Mudcrab?

Mudcrab is a . . . mudcrab.
He's also a merchant, the richest merchant
in the game and only one of two who will give you
full value for your merchandise.
Mudcrab regenerates his 10,000 in gold every 24 hours
and is a pleasure to do business with.
(See Creative Bartering)
He buys weapons, armour, selected magic items and alcohol only.

The simplest of directions are often the best.
(They're also the easiest to remember)
Vivec. Gondola to Telvanni Canton. Leave via the land bridge.
Cross the peninsula eastwards.
Stop next to Ald Sotha daedric ruin, by the water.
There are three tiny islands. Get out to the furthest one.
Before you are two largish islands.
You want to go to the one on the left as you are still looking east.
If Mznach Ruin comes up on the screen, you're in the right place.
Travel down the face of the island, past the ruin to the end.
(always going east)
At the 'end' of the island is an islet with two tall pillars of stone
guarding an 'entrance'. And there's a mudcrab. Voila!
Don't let anyone tell you that Mudcrab is hard to reach.
Do it once and you'll wonder what they were on about!


Ole Creeper is the Mudcrab of the suburbs.
He's a scamp in Ghorak Manor, Caldera.
You do not need directions to Caldera!
Creeper has 5000 gold and also gives full value for money.
He regenerates every 24 hours and buys weapons, alcohol,
scrolls, moon sugar and soul gems.

If you have a sword worth 17,000 that you intend to take
to Muddie or Creeper, but it's a bit the 'worse for wear', have it fixed first.
Doesn't cost much to repair and you then get full value
for it (Yes, 17,000 gold!) from the sale.

Creative Bartering 101

Getting full value for money from either of these dudes requires some
creative bartering. This is how it's done, using examples.

I have 2 glass bracers (4000 each)
3 pr glass boots (8000 each)
2 glass pauldrons (9600 each)
and a glass cuirass worth 28,000 to take to Mudcrab.

Mudcrab has 10,000 on any given day. How do I get the 28,000?

Sell him everything else, one item at a time if need be,
sleeping for 24 hours between each sale.
Sleep 24 after the last sale.
Now, buy back the three pairs of glass boots and one glass bracer.
Now Mudcrab has 28,000 gold. Sell him the cuirass!
Sleep again and repeat the sell back of the small items.
Repeat as needed.

Do not sleep too close to Mudcrab.
Sometimes you are attacked, by rats or whatever.
One wrong swing of the sword and you're crab-less.
Sometimes the attackee is only a scrib and you can
go back to sleep.
Too many scrib can slow down and eventually
freeze the game.
Thin them out as needed.

Overflow Loot Bag


Once you have one, you're stuck with it.
Avoid getting one or move house.
Now, place your items in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Happy with the display?
Save game.
Exit game via Start Screen.
Restart game and you can leave.
Repeat every time your house gets 'busy'.


This tip hinges on the assumption that you
a] know about and have Goldbrand and that
b] you know about how to and where to and why to
become a vampire.

Eltonbrand is the new and improved Goldbrand which, in its turn, is
a daedric shrine quest reward.
If you have Goldbrand and go become a vampire, you can get it turned
into Eltonbrand via an 'Easter Egg' (nice surprise) that the makers
have hidden in the game.

A vampire goes to visit with Silonewe in the Vivec Mages guild and
she overcomes her revulsion for long enough to give him/her two quests.
The 'kill someone' or 'key' quest is the one you need.
Complete the quest and return to Silonewe with an amount of money
either totalling, or over, 11171 gold in your inventory, as well as
the sword and the requested key, of course.
Drop 11171 gold in one pile. Drop any excess in another.
Pick up 11171 gold.
A pop-up appears saying, 'Go to Hell, Carolina!'
Goldbrand is now Eltonbrand.



The ordinators in Vivec are trying to kill me! Help????
The Imperial guards attack me on sight! Help????

Ordinators can come to hate you for a number of reasons.

a] If the bounty on your head is so high that
it has become a death warrant.
Even if you pay up, they are unable to turn off
the urge to decorate the railings with your entrails, okay?
This applies to Imperial guards and some Redoran guards as well.

b] If you murder one of them.

c] If you murder one of them and/or steal
their sacred armour and wear it.
It does NOT matter what city you are in
when you wear it; they will know!

There is also an Imperial Quest to escort an accused murderer from Vivec
to Ebonheart during which you might kill one too many ordinators.
Two will attack you, that's okay.
It is not necessary to kill any more, no matter what your quest giver tells you.

So what do you do?

Constant Effect Items Morrowind Map

The good news is that those attacking ordinators/guards are a prime source
of income without penalty. Because they attack first, you are free
to kill them and reap the rewards of their corpses, aka their
highly saleable armour.

The bad news it that you can't turn them off.
Paying fines will not work over a certain amount. (death warrant)
Joining the Imperials will not work, even if you become their boss.
Nothing works.
Some people to whom this has happened chameleon their way
around Vivec ever after.
Others use calm humanoid spells to get past them
when the slaughter becomes too tedious.
I myself had this happen to me.
By accident, I swear it. And only once!
So I enchanted one exquisite ring with constant effect Sanctuary
and another with constant effect Resist Magicka.
Then I could walk around Vivec in relative safety.

But it's expensive and it's a pain in the bum.

Try not to antagonize the Ordinators, okay?


What are they for?

There are these little black sticks all over the place, they kind of look
like burnt matches but if you get close enough, you'll see
they've got names.
Names like 'Falsmaryon Propylon Index'.
What are they?
If you go travelling about, you'll see lots of ruins, daedric ruins,
dwarven ruins and the big square ruins with the little buildings on top.
Inside these huts are proplyons.
They're ancient teleportation devices and, to put it simply, if you
collect all of the indexes and match the correct
name to the correct propylon, you can travel about between ruins.

Puzzle Box

The Puzzle box quest ... umm. . . puzzles a lot of people?
If you've done it, you know what I mean.
If you haven't and you can't find the puzzle box,
I have a basic piece of advice for you.
Look up, always. Look up.
This is a good rule, no matter what ruin or cave you're in.
Good stuff up high...
There is NO need to go all the way down into that dark, dank ruin.
Once you are in the front door and have encountered the bad guys
and slain them, stop and look up.
There's another level up there, reached by climbing the broken masonry.
I'll say no more...


Umbra is an Orc-With-No-Name, a dude who wants to die.
So do him a favour if you're strong enough and get a great
soul-trapping sword for your trouble.
It's cast-when-used, but it's still easier than
messing with spells.
Umbra is over the hill behind Suran. Go up to the temple
and levitate over the mountain. You should land almost
directly on top of him. Good Luck.

Twin Lamps. Who, What and Where?

The Twin Lamps are abolitionists and although you can't officially
join them, (because they're a secret, illegal operation perhaps?)
if you're that sort of person, you can help them.
Free slaves wherever you find them, whenever you can.
After you've freed a certain number, they will begin to speak
to you of the Twin Lamps and eventually will give you the
password you need.
Vivec, St Delyn's South One is the place to go and the lady to see
for a couple of minor quests involving the Twin Lamps.

Constant Effect Items In Morrowind


This is not a how-to or a where-is post.
This is a WARNING post.
If you come across this sword during the course of your game,
GET RID OF IT! It's cursed!
(Actually, it's a mistake in the scripting, but 'cursed' sounds better.)
Press 'y' in your inventory to see the damage that Fury does
to your health permanently, but, whatever you do, do not use it!
Sell Fury to someone you don't like much.

Second Wraithguard

If you somehow manage to screw up the main quest by killing someone
you shouldn't have (You should get a 'Thread of Prophecy' message as
a warning to reload, however.) or by losing something vital, there are
back ways into the main quest.
If it's something minor at the lower levels of the Blades quests, you can go
on ahead and get the Moon and Star ring, then go on from there as normal.
Just find yourself a walkthrough from Links and forge on.
However, if you've really stuffed need to kill a God.
Of course it goes without saying that you need to be at a high level, as a God
is a hard kill, but, having done that, take the 'ancient dwemer artifact' from
his body.
This is Wraithguard, un-activated, and you need Wraithguard if you're
going to handle Sunder and Keening and complete the main quest.
Take it to Tel Fyr (I'm assuming that, as a high level character, you
know where I'm referring to) and down to the dwarf in the Coprusarium.
He will ask for two books to fix the artifact, find those, inside the
Ghostfence and return to him. ( At Karegnac's Library and at his Study)
Now, here's the kicker . . . you need your health stat to be well over
the 250 mark or he will not give you the journal update of completion.
That's where most folk get stuck; not realizing that the second Wraithguard
will give you a permanent 200+ health loss, so that's the tip for this section.

Ten Pace Boots

Nothing here about the where's and why's either.
Yes, they do make your feet disappear. No, no-one knows why.
Either live with the funny look or sell them on.
(It's probably another script error.)

Azura's Star

You have a paper map?
Big statue, right-hand side of paper? Azura.
Shrine beneath. Talk to statue inside, not outside.
Get quest.
Do not go in the hut, under any circumstances, okay?
The reward is Azura's Star, the only re-usable soul gem in the game
and the only one big enough to hold Vivec's soul, should you be so inclined.

Code Book
(Fighter's vs Thieves Guild)

Remember the beginning of this site?
The bit about 'conflict of interest' especially where it relates to
the Fighter's Guild and the Thieves Guild?
This quest is one of them.
I'm not going to tell you how to get the code book off Soltide,
that's for you to decide.

If you want to do both Thieves and Fighters guild,
join both when you're a low level and you can.
If you leave it too long, or you join one and rise too far in rank there,
the other Guild will not accept you as a member . . . ever.

Where is ?
(fill in the blank)


Gentleman Jim Stacey :Dram Bero:
Silver Staff of Shaming: Rels Tenim etc. etc.

Hannah's Whereizit Morrowind Guide.

Rescue Varvur Sarethi
(Redoran/Main Quest)

This quest can be tricky and there are lots of way to do it.
If you are chameleon-ed, so is he, for some strange reason.

Where are the Morag Tong?

They are the paid, professional, legal assassins of Morrowind.
Finding them is hard-ish. Look on Arena Canton, Vivec.
In the Canalworks, behind a Storage Room door.
There's a locked trapdoor . . . and rats.

Explaining 'Uncle Crassius'.

If you're a Hlaalu or if you're doing the main quest, you are eventually
going to meet the famous 'Uncle Crassius Curio' who resides
in Curio Manor, Hlaalu Canton, Vivec.
He calls you 'sweetie' and 'pumpkin' and he doesn't seem to
notice that you're a guy???????

No. Uncle Crassius is not the first openly gay character in an RPG.
It's another one of those cute little scripting errors.
This game took six years to put together and it's massive!
You can't blame the developers for a few . . . errors.
So, don't get all riled when Uncle Crassius asks you
for a kiss, or wants you to strip.
Yes, that's right. Strip. He's actually checking to make sure you're not a spy.
Just remember that, as far as Crassius is concerned, you're a girl!

Constant Effect Items

Working your way up through the learning process, you eventually arrive
at the desire to have constant effect items made to your own specifications.

There are two ways of doing this. The 'normal' way begins with a. . .
You have to have a Golden Saint or an Ascended Sleeper trapped in
a Grand Soul Gem to get the 'constant effect' option in an enchanting menu.

The Normal Way.

Buy the spell that you want. Have an item of sufficient enchant charge
in your inventory plus the grand soul gem mentioned above
and, finally, a lot of cash!
Go to an enchanter and click the 'enchant' option.
Fill the boxes with soul and item.
Constant Effect appears as an option once you've filled in the item.
Choose your spell, fill in the details.
Always save before any enchanting, you can take the item outside and test it first.
Reload if you don't like what you've done.
Name the item and pay the money.

Morrowind All Constant Effect Items

Exquisite items (rings, amulets) have a high enough enchant charge
to do constant effect, so do Ebony Tower Shields.

The Cheapskate Method

If you've used the method above, you know how much it costs! Ow!
Here's a cheaper way that works for certain enchantments only.
All you need is, at most, a couple of thousand gold and a high enough
(relevant) magic skill to cast it yourself.

Buy the spell you want.
Good spells for this method are fortify attribute spells, light,
reflect, dispel, resist, sanctuary, summon etc.
Buy the soultrap spell.
Go to a spellmaker and make the following spell:
Fortify Speed/On Self/1-50/ Duration 1 second.
Soultrap/On Target/Duration 2 seconds.

Name the spell and pay for it.

Face a wall or look down at the floor.
You must do this, else the game will freeze or crash.

Cast the spell.

If you've summoned a Golden Saint, she's yours forever.
She will fight for you, follow you everywhere and, if you want to kill her
to get her weapons, she will not instantly disappear when dispatched.
Same is true of all summoned creatures using this method.

If you used Light it will remain constant only for the duration of your
game play. When you start the game again, you will need to re-cast it.
Use Night-Eye instead. Just as good and it doesn't wear off.

Do NOT use this spell with Levitate, Chameleon or Invisibility.
(for obvious reasons)

If using this spell to Fortify an attribute, you only need to buy one Fortify spell.
The Feet of Noratago from Imperial Shrine/Wolverine Hall/Sadrith Mora is a good one.
As you'll see when you go to the spellmaker, buying one Fortify Attribute spell
will bring up the option to fortify ALL attributes.

Don't be greedy when using Fortify, especially with Speed.
It's nice to run faster, but it gets hard to steer when you're
walking at the speed of light!
Set it for 1-50 as I recommend. If you're not happy with it, you can
always cast it again.

People we try NOT to kill.

If you knock off someone important to the main quest, I've already
mentioned that you'll see a 'Thread of Prophecy' message
which gives you a chance to re-load to an earlier save.

But not everyone comes equipped with one of those.
Characters involved in various quests on your way
to achieving your goals are quite often accidentally murdered
and the game stays strangely silent about it...

This is the beginnings of a list of folk who should not be
randomly slaughtered just cause you don't like the way they look, or
because you do like the way they look but think it would look better on you!

Vendam Dren- Ebonheart.
Orvas Dren- Dren Plantation
This guy is doomed to die, just be wise in choosing your time.
He's involved in a lot of quests.
Shan- The Orc-Mage in Balmora
She is a 'Thread' lady; this warning is about being careful around
her until she's no longer needed. Not because you kill her, but because
she often gets 'misplaced'. Disappears through the roof etc and, on XBox,
there's no way to get her back. I equipped Wraithguard in front
of her once and the magic of it sent her rocketing
thru the ceiling, never to be seen again!
He's needed early on for a Thieves Guild Quest. After that, he's all yours.
Actually, you CAN kill him anytime, but I don't like it when Sugar-Lips
chastises me.

More to come . . .



If you've got a tip about these mistakes; send
a quick email and let the new players in on it.


There's more to come but for now, my fingers are sore.
I hope at least some of this was helpful or will help you in the future.

And just so you don't feel bad about being a 'newbie', here's my
very own deepest, darkest, most secret confession.....

I played this game for two solid months before I realized that
Rising Force was NOT added strength in a fight......

Note: This page has been moved to the new UESP-Wiki. The same content, just a different presentation.
This page very likely contains outdated information (last updated in 2005).
UESP Main Page
15 February 2011

There are a number of special magical items and artifacts that can be found throughoutthe game of Morrowind.Feel free to Contact the Webmaster to contribute any suggestions, or information not included here.

Best Constant Effect Items Morrowind

Item CategoriesNotes
  • Armour Rating is given for characters with 100 in the appropriate armour skill.
  • Speed for weapons specifies how fast the weapon swings with higher values indicating a faster weapon.
  • Dmg Ratio gives the damage per time for the weapon with higher values indicating a more powerful item. Ratios are given for the base weapon and any magic based damage the weapon may have.
  • Cost Per Use gives the amount of charge required to use the item at an Enchant skill of 1 and 100.
  • Only the most exceptional magical items and artifacts are included here.
ItemDescriptionLocation and Notes
One Handed Weapons
Black Hands DaggerType: Short Blade, One Hand
Chop: 9 - 20
Slash: 9 - 20
Thrust: 9 - 20
Speed: 2.50
Dmg Ratio: 50
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 1000 / 1000
Weight: 9.0
Value: 15,000
Cast When Strikes
Absorb Health 10 to 25 pts for 30 seconds on Touch
Blind 10 to 50 pts for 30 seconds on Touch
Charge: 2550 / 2550
This dagger is obtained as a reward for a Morag Tong Quest from Eno Hlaalu in Vivec. See the Kill Severia Magia Quest for more information.
Eltonbrand, or BluebrandType: Long Blade, One Hand
Chop: 10 - 60
Slash: 5 - 55
Thrust: 5 - 25
Speed: 1.50
Dmg Ratio: 90 (120 with spell)
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 4500 / 4500
Weight: 40.0
Value: 150,000
Cast When Strikes
Fire Damage 10 to 30 points on Touch
Fortify Attack 30 points for 30 seconds on Self
Restore Fatigue 10 points on Self
Charge: 500 / 500
This quest information is not yet confirmed...

This is easily the most obscure item to get within the game. Unless you know how, or are very, very lucky, you will not find it yourself. First you most obtain the Goldbrand sword (see below), which itself is one of the more difficult to acquire items. Next you need to become a vampire and perform the Kill Shashev quest for Sirilonwe in the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild. It gets tricky here since it appears you can 'mess' this quest up if you do it improperly, spoiling your chances of obtaining Eltonbrand. The best bet is to obtain the quest from Sirilonwe, kill Shashev and take his key back to Ald'ruhn. If you kill Shashev before speaking to Sirilonwe, you may very well mess things up. Once you have Goldbrand and completed the quest, you'll need to have be carrying exactly 11171 gold for the magical transformation of the Goldbrand into the Eltonbrand (you don't lose the gold). I suspect that this is merely due to some developers overacting sense of imagination, or boredom.

The phrase 'to hell with carolina' you receive when you obtain Eltonbrand is believd to be a reference to duke basketball (Richard Hermerding).

GoldbrandType: Long Blade, One Hand
Chop: 10 - 50
Slash: 10 - 45
Thrust: 10 - 25
Speed: 1.50
Dmg Ratio: 75 (120 with spell)
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 4500 / 4500
Weight: 40.0
Value: 150,000
Cast When Strikes
Fire Damage 10 to 30 points on Touch
Charge: 50 / 50
You get this sword as a reward from Boethiah. See the Boethiah Daedric Shrine Quest for more information.
KeeningType: Short Blade, One Hand
Chop: 9 - 15
Slash: 9 - 15
Thrust: 9 - 18
Speed: 2.50
Dmg Ratio: 45
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 1300 / 1300
Weight: 9.0
Value: 400,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Magicka 50 pts on Self
Fortify Health 30 pts on Self
Fortify Attack 30 pts on Self
Fortify Agility 20 pts on Self
Fortify Speed 20 pts on Self
This artifact is obtained during the end of the main quest and is required in order to finish it. You can probably obtain the weapon at any time, although you'll need to kill a powerful Ash Vampire to get a key for the weapon. See the Keening Main Quest for more information.
Mace of Molag BalType: Blunt, One Hand
Chop: 3 - 30
Slash: 3 - 35
Thrust: 1 - 4
Speed: 1.30
Dmg Ratio: 45.5
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 4000 / 4000
Weight: 45.0
Value: 25,000
Cast When Strikes
Absorb Strength 1 to 15 pts for 30 secs
Absorb Magicka 1 to 20 pts for 30 secs
Charge: 1500 / 1500
The artifact can be acquired by a quest started at the Shrine of Molag Bal, in the ruins of Yansirramus, two islands West of Tel Aruhn (West and a bit North of Sadrith Mora). Ball will ask you to kill Menta Na in the caves of Kora-Dur, East of the Stronghold of Kogoruhn, far North of the Red Mountain Crater. See the Molag Bal Shrine Quest for more information.
Mehrunes RazorType: Short, One Hand
Chop: 12 - 15
Slash: 12 - 15
Thrust: 12 - 17
Speed: 2.5
Dmg Ratio: 42.5 (62.5 with spell)
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 600 / 600
Weight: 6.0
Value: 5,000
Cast When Strikes
Disintegrate Armour 6 to 25 pts
Weakness to Poison 5% for 20 secs
Poison 6 to 20 pts
Charge: 210 / 210
You find this artifact via a quest for the Daedra Mehrunes Dagon, in his shrine at Yasammidan, just west of the Dwemer ruins of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz, West of Ald Velothi on the coast North of Gnisis. Dagon will ask you to retrieve the Razor from the Alas Ancestral Tomb, in the center of the Molag Amur mountain range, North of Molag Mar, and South of the Erabenimsun Ashlander camp. Find and return the rusty dagger to Dagon who will turn it into the Razor. See the Mehrunes Dagon Shrine Quest for more information.
ScourgeType: Blunt, One Hand
Chop: 10 - 35
Slash: 10 - 35
Thrust: 6 - 8
Speed: 1.5
Dmg Ratio: 52.5
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 4000 / 4000
Weight: 30.0
Value: 80,000
Cast When Used
Summon Dremora for 30 secs on Self
Summon Scamp for 30 secs on Self
Charge: 300 / 300
Tower of Tel Fyr, Hall of Fyr, in a chest next to Divayth Fyr
SunderType: Blunt, One Hand
Chop: 10 - 70
Slash: 10 - 60
Thrust: 1 - 4
Speed: 1.5
Dmg Ratio: 105
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 6000 / 6000
Weight: 40.0
Value: 400,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Attack 30 pts on Self
Fortify Strength 20 pts on Self
Fortify Endurance 20 pts on Self
Fortify Luck 20 pts on Self
Drain Fatigue 1 pt on Self
Carried by Dagoth Veymn in the Citadel of Vemynal (3411,87635), North West of Dagoth Ur's Citadel in the center of the island.

Obtained at the end of the main quest and required to finish it. See the Sunder Main Quest for more information.<

Skull CrusherType: Blunt, One Hand
Chop: 10 - 60
Slash: 10 - 50
Thrust: 7 - 10
Speed: 1.0
Dmg Ratio: 60
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 8000 / 8000
Weight: 15.0
Value: 48,000
Constant Effect
Feather 15 pts on Self
Fortify Attack 5 pts on Self
Omaren Ancestral Tomb (coast East of Sadrith Mora), Forgotten Vaults of Anudnabia, Forge of Hilbongard, in a chest floating? above the lava pool.
Sword of White WoeType: Long Blade, One Hand
Chop: 4- 26
Slash: 2 - 26
Thrust: 2 - 26
Speed: 1.35
Dmg Ratio: 35.1 (48.6 to 335.1 with spell)
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 1800 / 1800
Weight: 24.0
Value: 17,000
Cast When Strikes
Absorb Health 1 to 10 points for 30 seconds on Target
Charge: 500 / 500
Found in Balmora, Eastern Guard Tower, in Suran, Guard Tower (near the Silt Strider) as well as in random loot.
Two Handed Weapons
ChrysamereType: Long, Two Hand
Chop: 5 - 70
Slash: 5 - 60
Thrust: 5 - 40
Speed: 1.25
Dmg Ratio: 87.5
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 6000 / 6000
Weight: 60.0
Value: 95,000
Cast When Used
Resist Fire 5 to 20% for 30 secs on Self
Restore Health 5 to 20 pts on Self
Reflect 5 to 20% for 30 secs on Self
Charge: 1140 / 1140
Carried by Draramu Hloran in Abanabi (SouthWest of Sadrith Mora).
Daedric CrescentType: Long, Two Hand
Chop: 15 - 40
Slash: 20 - 50
Thrust: 5 - 15
Speed: 1.25
Dmg Ratio: 62.5
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 5400 / 5400
Weight: 35.0
Value: 180,000
Cast When Strikes
Disentegrate Armour 5 to 30 pts
Paralyze for 10 secs
Charge: 250 / 250
Carried by the Dremora Lord Dregas Volar (dremora_special_Fyr) in Magas Volar. The only way to get to the small shrine is via a magical Daedric Sanctuary Amulet found in a Small Ornate Lockbox in on the shelf next to Divayth Fyr in Tel Fyr. Equip the amulet to be teleported to Magus Volar, and kill the dremora there to get the Dagger, as well as the amulet to teleport out.
FuryType: Long, Two Hand
Chop: 1 - 27
Slash: 1 - 23
Thrust: 1 - 16
Speed: 1.25
Dmg Ratio: 33.75
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 1260 / 1260
Weight: 21.6
Value: 3,200
Constant Effect
Blind 20% on Self
Damage Heavy Armour 20 pts on Self
Damage Medium Armour 20 pts on Self
Damage Light Armour 20 pts on Self
Damage Unarmoured 20 pts on Self
Fortify Attack 20 pts on Self
Charge: 2160 / 2160
Found in the Stronghold of Kogoruhn (NorthEast of Maar Gan), Hall of Maki on a dead warrior (warrior dead 00) (East side in one of the cells).

This item is currently bugged and will result in a permanent decrease of your armour skills. Probably fixed in patch v1.10.

Ice Blade of the MonarchType: Long, Two Hand
Chop: 5 - 50
Slash: 4 - 40
Thrust: 3 - 30
Speed: 1.25
Dmg Ratio: 62.5 (112.5 with spell)
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 6000 / 6000
Weight: 60.0
Value: 95,000
Cast When Strikes
Frost Damage 10 to 40 pts
Charge: 60 / 60
Found in the Stronghold of Rotheran, Arena (near the coast of the island South of Dagon Fel) on Llaren Terano.
MagebaneType: Long, Two Hand
Chop: 1 - 45
Slash: 1 - 39
Thrust: 1 - 27
Speed: 1.25
Dmg Ratio: 56.25
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 840 / 840
Weight: 16.2
Value: 32,000
Cast When Used
Resist Magicka 20 to 40% for 10 secs on Self
Charge: 150 / 150
Found in the Urshilaku Burial Chamber (SouthEast of the Urshilaku camp) in the Laterus Burial section (held by a mummy near the top of the central pillar).
Soul DrinkerType: Short Blade, One Hand
Chop: 8 - 12
Slash: 8 - 12
Thrust: 8 - 12
Speed: 2.5
Dmg Ratio: 30
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 700 / 700
Weight: 9.0
Value: 11,000
Cast When Strikes
Soultrap for 30 secs on Touch
Charge: 30 / 30
Obtained as a reward for a Mages Guild quest from Ranis Athrys in the Balmora guild. See the Telvanni Spy Quest for more information.
Spear of Bitter MercySpear, Two Hand
Chop: 1 - 15
Slash: 1 - 15
Thrust: 15 - 60
Speed: 1.00
Dmg Ratio: 37.5
Reach: 1.8
Condition: 2500 / 2500
Weight: 20.0
Value: 130,000
Cast When Used
Reflect 20 to 30 points for 30 secs on Self
Summon Storm Atronach for 30 secs
Charge: 2160 / 2160
Obtained on a quest for the Daedra Sheogorath in the Ihinipalit Shrine in the Underworks of Vivec's St. Delyn Canton. Sheogorath will ask you to recover the Fork of Horripilation from a mad hermit near Ald Redaynia, on the long island North of the main land, and use it to kill a Giant Bull Netch that lives nearby. See the Sheogorath Shrine Quest for more information.
Staff of HasedokiType: Blunt, Two Hand
Chop: 5 - 10
Slash: 1 - 10
Thrust: 5 - 15
Speed: 1.75
Dmg Ratio: 26.25
Reach: 1.8
Condition: 4000 / 4000
Weight: 10.0
Value: 75,000
Cast When Used
Resist Magicka 30 to 40 pts for 30 seconds on Self
Charge: 525 / 525
Carried by Koffutto Gilgar in the Gimothran Ancestral Tomb (a ways West from Sadrith Mora on the mainland).
Staff of MagnusType: Blunt, Two Hand
Chop: 5 - 15
Slash: 1 - 10
Thrust: 5 - 15
Speed: 1.75
Dmg Ratio: 26.25
Reach: 1.8
Condition: 4000 / 4000
Weight: 10.0
Value: 210,000
Cast When Used
Spell Absorption 25 to 50 pts for 60 secs on Self
Restore Health 1 pt for 60 sec on Self
Charge: 5700 / 5700
Carried by Hlaren in the cave of Assu (in the mountains NorthWest of Molag Mar).
Trebonius' StaffType: Blunt, Two Hand
Chop: 2 - 16
Slash: 3 - 16
Thrust: 1 - 10
Speed: 1.75
Dmg Ratio: 28 (80.5 with spell)
Reach: 1.8
Condition: 900 / 900
Weight: 16.0
Value: 10,000
Cast When Strikes
Weakness to Fire 7 to 15% for 6 secs in 5 ft
Weakness to Shock 7 to 15% for 6 secs in 5 ft
Fire Damage 7 to 15 pts in 5 ft
Shock Damage 7 to 15 pts in 5 ft
Charge: 6500 / 6500
Carried by none other than Guildmaster Trebonius Artorius in the Vivec Mages Guild, Foreign Quarter Plaza. It can be obtained as part the mages guild quest, Kill the Telvanni, or when you kill Terbonius to become the guildmaster.
Umbra SwordType: Long, Two Hand
Chop: 10 - 50
Slash: 10 - 45
Thrust: 10 - 40
Speed: 1.35
Dmg Ratio: 67.5
Reach: 1.0
Condition: 6500 / 6500
Weight: 40.0
Value: 110,000
Cast When Used
Soultrap for 120 secs on Target
Charge: 90 / 90
Carried by the Orc warrior Umbra, just NorthEast of Suran over the hill from the Suran Tradehouse (61359,-51980).
Bloodworm HelmArmour Rating: 60
Condition: 600 / 600
Weight: 8.0 (Heavy)
Value: 34,000
Cast When Used:
Turn Undead 20 to 30 pts in 20 ft for 30 secson Target
Summon Skeleton Minion for 30 secs on Self
Charge: 155 / 155
Found on Crazy Batou (crazy_batou) in the Maren Ancestral Tomb (just SouthWest from the Erabenimsun Camp).
Helm of Graff the WhiteArmour Rating: 53
Condition: 160 / 160
Weight: 5.0 (Medium?)
Value: 70
Constant Effect
Reflect 10 pts
The helm is obtained as the reward for an Imperial Legion quest from Frald the White in Ebonheart's Hawkmoth Legion Fort. See the Protect Entius quest for more information.
Helm of Holy FireArmour Rating: 133
Condition: 400 / 400
Weight: 4.5 (Heavy)
Value: 7,050
Cast When Used:
Fire Shield 3 pts for 5 secs on Self
Charge: 10 / 10
Only found in rare random loot
Helm of Oreyn BearclawArmour Rating: 300
Condition: 900 / 900
Weight: 10.0 (Heavy)
Value: 125,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Agility 40 pts on Self
Fortify Endurance 40 pts on Self
Visit the Shrine of Malacath located in the Sheogorath region on the long island West of Dagon Fel (right next to the Sanctus Shrine island) to receive the start of the quest for the helm. See the Malacath Shrine Quest for more information.
Masque of Clavicus VileArmour Rating: 266
Condition: 800 / 800
Weight: 15.0 (Heavy)
Value: 15,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Personality 30 pts on Self
This is related to an Imperial Legion quest you receive at Fort Moonmoth. The Masque can be found on a mage in Sorkvilds Tower just East of Dagon Fel. See the Clavicus Vile Quest for more information.
Cuirass of the Savior's HideArmour Rating: 266
Condition: 2400 / 2400
Weight: 15.0 (Light)
Value: 150,000
Constant Effect
Resist Magicka 60% on Self
Found in a closest on the same level as Divayth Fyr in the Tower of Tel Fyr.

Note that Resist Magicka doesn't include Fire/Shock/etc... type spells but only purely magic based ones.

Dragonbone CuirassArmour Rating: 333
Condition: 3000 / 3000
Weight: 50.0 (Heavy)
Value: 180,000
Constant Effect
Resist Fire 100% on Self
Found within the in Mudan Grotto (SouthWest of Ebonheart), Central Vault in a Steel Dwemer Closet.
Ebony MailArmour Rating: 333
Condition: 3000 / 3000
Weight: 20.0 (Medium)
Value: 120,000
Constant Effect
Resist Fire 75% on Self
Shield 50 Points on Self
Resist Magicka 20% on Self
The armour is obtained via a high ranking quest for the Imperial Temple. See the Assarnibibi Shrine quest for more information.
Lord's MailArmour Rating: 333
Condition: 3000 / 3000
Weight: 30.0 (Heavy)
Value: 190,000
Cast When Used
Cure Poison on Self
Resist Magicka 20 to 30% for 30 secs on Self
Charge: 400 / 400
Found on Furius Acilius in the Underground Caves near Ebonheart (accessed under the castle or by a door under the water). See the Rank of Knight of the Garland quest for more information.

Though this is part of a high ranking Imperial Legion quest, though you can get the armour anytime.

Mountain SpiritArmour Rating: 56
Condition: 510 / 510
Weight: 24.0 (Medium)
Value: 3,600
Constant Effect:
Shield 10 pts on Self
Carried by Ashu-Ahhe in his yurt in the Erabenimsun Camp.
Auriel's ShieldArmour Rating: 200
Condition: 1200 / 1200
Weight: 30.0 (Heavy)
Value: 17,000
Enchantment: 100
Held by Drelyne Llenim in the Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk.

Great shield for enchanting.

Azura's ServantArmour Rating: 266
Condition: 1600 / 1600
Weight: 45.0 (Heavy)
Value: 30,000
Cast When Used
Frost Damage 1 to 15 pts on Touch
Drain Magicka 1 to 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Charge: 260 / 260
Found in Tel Vos, Northeastern Tower. Look for a hidden door on the second landing from the bottom of the staircase. This will lead to a trapdoor which in turn leads to a small room with the shield an a powerful creature,
Bloodfeat ShieldArmour Rating: 60
Condition: 360 / 360
Weight: 20.0 (Heavy)
Value: 1,000
Cast When Used
Absorb Health 5 to 20 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Charge: 250 / 250
Found in two places. In Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility, on a dead warrior in a small cell/room. Also found in Vemynal (NorthWest of Dagoth Ur), Hall of Torque on the skeleton Beldoh the Undying (wanders the lower halls).

Probably should be named as Bloodfeast.

Darksun ShieldArmour Rating: 200
Condition: 1200 / 1200
Weight: 30.0 (Heavy)
Value: 17,000
Constant Effect:
Drain Magicka 100 pts
Reflect 20 pts
Restore Fatigue 10 pts
Night Eye 10 pts
Found on Ano Vando who is outside in the town of Ald-ruhn (probably wanders near the Silt Strider). Ano Vando is disabled by default and you must speak to be a Vampire and speak to Dhaunayne Aundae in Ashmelech about vampire hunter to get him enabled.
Eleidon's WardArmour Rating: 333
Condition: 2000 / 2000
Weight: 30.0 (Heavy)
Value: 200,000
Cast When Used:
Restore Health 50 to 100 pts on Self
Charge: 95 / 95
Found in Ibar-Dad (along the coast East of Khuul), hanging above the skeleton in the innermost crypt.
Saint's ShieldArmour Rating: 200
Condition: 1200 / 1200
Weight: 30.0 (Heavy)
Value: 15,000
Cast When Used:
Feather 20 pts for 10 secs on Self
Restore Fatigue 1 to 10 pts for 20 sec on Self
Charge: 80 / 80
Can be found in two locations. One is carried by Galvene Othrobar in the Indarys Manor (a ways NorthWest from Ald'ruhn). The other is carried by Berengeval in Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga General Quarters.It is also found randomly in some Temple chests.
Shadow ShieldArmour Rating: 66
Condition: 2000 / 2000
Weight: 15.0 (Heavy)
Value: 2,400
Cast When Used:
Invisiblity for 20 secs on Self
Restore Fatigue 5 pts for 20 secs on Self
Charge: 125 / 125
Can be found in the Stronghold of Kogoruhn (NorthEast from Maar Gan), Bleeding Heart section (lying on a rock in the NorthWest).

Is found during the course of the main quest.

Spell BreakerArmour Rating: 233
Condition: 1400 / 1400
Weight: 25.0 (Heavy)
Value: 115,000
Cast When Used:
Silence 30 ft for 30 secs on Target
Reflect 10 to 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Charge: 1800 / 1800
Found in Bthuand (near the coast far West from the Ahemmusa Camp, NorthWest from the Cavern of the Incarnate), lying amoung the rocks in the South-SouthEast part of the ruins.
Spirit of IndorilArmour Rating: 150
Condition: 900 / 900
Weight: 13.5 (Heavy)
Value: 5,400
Cast When Used:
Summon Ancestral Ghost for 60 secs on Self
Charge: 105 / 105
Only found as random loot.
Succor of IndorilArmour Rating: 150
Condition: 900 / 900
Weight: 13.5 (Heavy)
Value: 4,200
Cast When Used:
Restore Health 10 pts on Self
Charge: 15 / 15
Only found as random loot.
Fist of Randagulf Left GauntletArmour Rating: 300
Condition: 450 / 450
Weight: 16.0 (Heavy)
Value: 35,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Agility 20 pts on Self
Found in Ilunibi (NorthWest from Gnaar Mok), Soul's Rattle section, behind a trough in the large room to the NorthEast, next to the Sixth House bells.
Fist of Randagulf Right GauntletArmour Rating: 300
Condition: 450 / 450
Weight: 16.0 (Heavy)
Value: 35,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Strength 20 pts on Self
Found in Ilunibi (NorthWest from Gnaar Mok), Soul's Rattle section, behind a trough in the large room to the NorthEast, next to the Sixth House bells.
Gambolpuddy, Right Bracer Weight: 1.0
Value: 16,000
Cast When Used
Fortify Agility 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Fortify Intelligence 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Fortify Personality 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Fortify Luck 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Drain Endurance 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Drain Speed 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Drain Strength 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Drain Willpower 15 to 30 for 30 sec on Self
Found in Ilunibi (NorthWest from Gnaar Mok), Soul's Rattle section, behind a trough in the large room to the NorthEast, next to the Sixth House bells.
WraithguardArmour Rating: 266
Condition: 400 / 400
Weight: 1156.0 (Heavy)
Value: 500,000
Constant Effect
Shield 10 pts
Reflect 20 pts
Resist Blight Disease 50 pts
Resist Shock 10 pts
Resist Fire 10 pts
Resist Frost 10 pts
Resist Magicka 10 pts
Resist Poison 10 pts
Given to you by Vivec during the main quest. Alternatively, you can kill Vivec and have the glove activated by Yagrum. See the Meet Vivec main quest for more information.

Right gauntlet obtained near the end of the main quest.

Redas Robe of DeedsWeight: 3.0
Value: 225
Constant Effect
Feather 50 pts on Self
Detect Animal 25 ft on Self
Found in the Redas Ancestral Tomb (South of Molag Mar), lying on the edge of an ash pit close to the entrance.
Robe of St. RorisWeight: 3.0
Value: 40
Cast When Used
Restore Fatigue 15 pts for 1 second on Self
Restore Health 15 pts for 1 second on Self
Charge: 25 / 25
Found in Assemanu (SouthEast of Sedya Neen) in a chest on a ledge at the end of the cave (look up in the large area at the end). You will need Levitation or Telekinesis to reach it.

In the original game version, the robe was constant effect, making it the most unbalancing item in the game, rendering the wearer pratically invulnerable. Was changed to Cast When Used in the first patch.

Robe of the Drake's PrideWeight: 3.0
Value: 205
Constant Effect
Fortify Intelligence 10 pts on Self
Resist Fire 25% on Self
Reflect 25% on Self
Found on Senise Thindo in Tel Aruhn's Living Quarters.
Boots of Blinding SpeedArmour Rating: 16
Condition: 50 / 50
Weight: 8.0 (Light)
Value: 500
Constant Effect
Blind 100% on Self
Fortify Speed 200 pts on Self
Found on Pemenie, originally in the West Gash Region (-32489,31812) (along the road SouthWest from the Buckmoth Legion Fort). You can escort her to Gnaar Mok to receive the boots as a reward.

Cast or use a Resist Magic spell to counteract the blinding effect of the boots.

Boots of the ApostleArmour Rating: 266
Condition: 800 / 800
Weight: 10.0 (Light)
Value: 55,000
Cast When Used
Levitate 30 to 40 pts on Self
Charge: 790 / 790
Found in Berandas Stronghold (South of Gnisis), Underground section, on a dead warrior (in the large area to the NorthEast).
SurefeetWeight: 3.0 (Light)
Value: 2
Constant Effect
Fortify Acrobatics 3 pts on Self
Fortify Acrobatics 3 pts on Self
Can only be obtained on a House Telvanni quest for Baladas Demnevanni, in Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis, which involves finding three books for him. See the Find Books for Baladas quest for more information.
Ten Pace BootsArmour Rating: 266
Condition: 800 / 800
Weight: 60.0 (Light)
Value: 140,000
Cast When Used
Fortify Speed 20 pts for 120 secs on Self
Fortify Athletics 20 pts for 120 secs on Self
Drain Fatigue 5 pts for 120 secs on Self
Slowfall 1 pt for 120 secs on Self
Charge: 1590 / 1590
Found in Bal Fell (in the islands far SouthEast of Vivec, or SouthWest of Molag Mar), Inner Shrine section, in the chest in front of the statue.
Denstagmer's RingWeight: 0.3
Value: 12,000
Constant Effect
Resist Fire 30% on Self
Resist Frost 30% on Self
Resist Shock 30% on Self
Found in the Falas Ancestral Tomb (just SouthEast of Gnisis) in the urn on the altar labeled 'D. Byrant'.
Marara's RingWeight: 0.3
Value: 22,000
Constant Effect
Reflect 20% on Self
Fortify Acrobatics 20% on Self
Resist Normal Weapons 40% on Self
Found on Marara in the Drethan Ancestral Tomb (on a small island a ways South from Dagon Fel).
Mentor's RingWeight: 0.1
Value: 8,000
Constant Effect
Fortify Intelligence 10 pts on Self
Fortify Willpower 10 pts on Self
Found in the Samarys Ancestral Tomb (NorthWest from Sedya Neen) in the urn on the altar labeled 'Lord Brinne'.
Ring of AzuraWeight: 0.1
Value: 8,000
Constant Effect
Night Eye 20 pts on Self
Restore Fatigue 3 pts on Self
This ring is given to you by none other than Azura at the end of the main quest.
Ring of EquityWeight: 0.1
Value: 3,150
Cast When Used
Absorb Magicka 100% for 30 secs on Self
Reflect 70% for 30 secs on Self
Charge: 3060 / 3060
Part of a high ranking Telvanni quest with Fast Eddie. See the Ring of Equity quest for more information.
Ring of PhynasterWeight: 0.1
Value: 18,000
Constant Effect
Resist Poison 20% on Self
Resist Shock 20% on Self
Resist Magicka 20% on Self
Charge: 300 / 300
Found in the Senim Ancestral Tomb (just SouthEast from Dagon Fel) on the corpse of Pop Je (on the altar at the end of the tomb).
Vampire's RingWeight: 0.1
Value: 32,000
Cast When Used
Absorb Fatigue 20 to 30 pts for 10 sec on Touch
Absorb Health 20 to 30 pts for 10 sec on Touch
Resist Shock 20% on Self
Held by a Skeleton War Wizard on the top level of the tower, Ald Redaynia (the West end of the long thin island at the North of the map).
Necromancer's AmuletWeight: 1.0
Value: 240
Constant Effect
Resist Normal Weapons 25% on Self
Fortify Intelligence 25 pts on Self
Restore Health 1 pt on Self
Spell Absorption 25 pts on Self
Held by Archmagister Trebonius Artorius in the Vivec Mages Guild. It can be obtained as part the mages guild quest, Kill the Telvanni, or when you kill Trebonius to become the guildmaster.
Bow of ShadowsBow of Shadows
Chop: 4 to 40
Weight: 10
Value: 42,000
Condition: 3000
Speed: 1.0
Reach: 1.0
Charges: 340
Cast When Used:
Invisibility for 30 seconds on Self
Fortify Speed 20 to 30 pts for 30 seconds on Self
Lying on a desk in the Venim Ancestral Tomb North of the Zainab Camp.
Other Items
Azura's StarWeight: 2.0
Value: 2,000,000
Find Azura's Shrine on the NorthEast shore of the island (check the game's paper map for a location). See Azura's Shrine Quest for more information.

A resuable soul gem. Simply fill it with a soul the usual method with a Soul Trap spell. Create an enchanted item (or recharge a magic item) with it to empty it.

Bitter CupWeight: 10.0
Value: 100,000
Part of the last few Thieves Guild quests. See the Bitter Cup Quest for more information.

A special item that will ask you if you wish to use it or pick it up when you activate it. If you use it, it will add 20 points to your highest Attribute, and take away 20 points from your lowest. If you use it, the cup will disappear and you will not be able to complete some of the Thieves Guild quests.

Skeleton KeyWeight: 0.5
Value: 1,000
Uses: 50
Quality: 5.0
Can only be obtained by a high ranking quest with the Thieves guildmaster, Gentleman Jim Stacey in Vivec's Foreign Quarter Canalworks. See the Kill Hard Heart quest for more information.

A high quality lock pick with 50 uses.

Contributions from Michael Carr, Pyro, Phil, Tom Iwaniec, and Denis Dalla Riva

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