- Ion Vcr 2 Pc Driver Windows 8
- Ion Vcr 2 Pc Drivers
- Ion Vcr 2 Pc Drivers For Windows 7
- Ion Vcr 2 Pc Driver Windows 8
- Ion Vcr 2 Pc Drivers
Open up the unzipped file folder labeled video2pcmk2setup.exe and double click on the file labeled video2pcmk2setup to begin driver installation. You may receive a warning regarding the security of the driver. Please click Run to advance. Follow the prompts on screen to install the driver. Click Finish to complete the installation. There's also a PAL version of VCR 2 PC with SCART output so no matter where your VHS tapes came from, ION can help reconnect you and your videos. VCR 2 PC makes rediscovering your memories convenient, easy, and fun. Watch an online tutorial that walks you through installing the VCR 2 PC drivers on a PC running Windows 7.
EZ Video Converter software displays a ‘device is not available’ error
The error below indicates that the EZ Video Converter software cannot communicate with the
VIDEO 2 PC hardware.
The most common reasons you might encounter this would be:
1. If the VIDEO 2 PC’s drivers have not been installed correctly. These are needed in
order for the VIDEO 2 PC hardware to communicate with the software. See
2. If the VIDEO 2 PC is not connected to a properly functioning USB 2.0 port on your
computer. See
Installing the latest VIDEO 2 PC hardware drivers
1. To install the latest VIDEO 2 PC hardware drivers to the latest version, visit
or use the direct-download links in step 2 below
2. Once the webpage opens, click on the Documents and Downloads tab, then click the Any pdf converter pro v3.1.31 for macos.
link for the driver which appropriate for your region or country.
When I click on the 'Capture' button on PD 12, it only recognizes the webcam on the laptop. How do I 'find' my VCR to capture the video? John from TX
I'm using PD14 Ultra but whichever version of Power Director you're using, the method here is essentially the same. Upon opening your Power Director, select 'Capture'. When the Capture window opens, look down to bottom-right of your screen where it says 'Settings'. Click on Settings and a window will open showing details of Capture Device(if only one device is connected, this should be greyed and not selectable), Device Resolutions, Capture Source(generally Composite Video) and Audio Device(which should, like in Capture Device, show the type of capture card you're using, in this case the ION Video 2 PC). It's possible your capture cord might've come with an installation disc, allowing the device to be 'recognised' by your computer and thus any video editing software loaded thereon. If you have such a disc, run it, and it might sort out your problem. Generally though, video capture cards are usually 'plug-and-play' devices that, upon connection, take only a moment and the computer will 'recognise' them and they're ready for use with any video capture/editing programme you may have, Bt just occasionally you may strike a device that requires an installation disc, like yours might be. Usuually when you buy these things, they come with video editing software in the packet. Sometimes they're bare-bones versions of Power Director. Hope this has been of some help. There are many more users on this site who can render further assistance, don't be afraid to ask.

If your kit is the same as ther one I have bought, there was video editing software with it and this works OK for me, well almost - it is a bit quirky as well but I can actually record what the camera is sending. Have you tried any other software with the grabber?
p.s. in PD13 the capture screen has 8 icons for different devices. The device should be detected when you switch to 'Capture' and all that have been detected will show as a highlighted icon. Mine is detected as a TV source.
p.p.s. - the tell tale factor for my problem is that for some reason PD is showing dropped frames for the whole recording length i.e. it's trying to encode a video for whioch all frames have been dropped???
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Apr 02. 2016 14:50
The trick there might be to use the software with your USB Ion VideoForever kit for capture purposes only, then import the capture into your Power Director 13 for final editing. It's always handy to have another bit of software on your computer to provide a 'workaround' solution. The capture/edit software that might come with such a device may well be a bit 'basic' but at least you can use it to simply capture the content, then edit it in Power Director at any time thereafter.
Yes that's exactly what I'm doing, or will be if I get any takers in my nest box.

p.s. I wonder - John did you get PowerDirector bundled with the USB grabber. I believe that it has been included with some ION items.
Ion Vcr 2 Pc Driver Windows 8
This is the sort of footage I am getting at the moment and This
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Apr 02. 2016 18:59
ReplyIon Vcr 2 Pc Drivers
Hi, Longedge!
I don't like it either when software frustrates my efforts at creating the type of video I want to create, but why one piece of software can do something that another can't, I suppose we'll just have to chalk that up to the quirky nature of these things.
Ion Vcr 2 Pc Drivers For Windows 7